

Happy Mother’s Day series (2013)_ Digital Print _ 10×8 inches

Happy Mother’s Day series (2014)_ Digital Print _ 8×10 inches

Queens Mermaid and American Bear(2015) _ Photo Print on Metal _Performance Art _16x20 inches

Queens Mermaid (2015) _ Photo Print on Metal _Performance Art _ 16×20 inches

Prayer (2014)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Metal _ 16×20 inches

Niagara Falls Mermaid, 2015, Photo print on metal,16×20 inches_ Here I’m at Niagara Falls on my honey moon with my parents and my husband. The photo shoot was part of the celebration of our union and the waterfall is a symbol of the boarder between my old life in Korea and my new life in the United States.

Prayer (2014)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Metal_ 16×20 inches

Nazareth Mermaid (2014)_ Performance Art_ Print on Metal _16x20inches

Nazareth Mermaid (2014)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Metal _ 16×20 inches

Homeland #2(2015)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Wood _ 16×20 inches

Homeland (2015)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Wood _ 16×20 inches

Fatherland (2015)_ Performance Art_ Photo Print on Acrylic _ 20×30 inches

Booneydoon Mermaid#2 (2015) _ Photo Print on Acrylic _Performance Art_ 16×20 inches

Booneydoon Mermaid (2015) _ Photo Print on Acrylic _Performance Art_ 16×20 inches

Volvo 122s (2015) _ Photo Print on Acrylic _Performance Art_ 20×30 inches