Painting Life P Life Painting(2017) _ Gouache on Canvas _ 30 x 40 inchesHopeLife Painting#2 (2017) _ Korean Traditional Organic Dye on Rice Paper _ 20 x 60 inchesWhen Sandy was coming Acrylic Painting on Canvas_50x80inches _ 2013New YorkerNew yorker _Acrylic Painting on Canvas_30x45inches _ 2012Paintings Acrylic Paintings __50x80 inches_ 2013-2015Summer Bushwick 2016 Blond Jenny #2Blond Jenny_ Acrylic on Canvas _10 x15inches_ 2012Blond JennyBlond Jenny_ Acrylic on Canvas _10 x15inches_ 2012Self portraitSelf portrait_ Acrylic on Canvas _10 x15inches_ 2012The Street The Street _Water Color on Paper_ 2009Self portrait_ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_ 20x40 inches_ 2010 Self portrait #4Self portrait _ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_40x60inches _ 2012Angel and me Acrylic on Canvas _10 x15inches_ 2012Self portrait #3Self portrait _ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 2012The HouseThe House_ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 1998The NapThe Nap_ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 1998Self portrait #2Self portrait _ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 1998WeddingSelf portrait _ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 1996JealousJealous _ Korean Traditional Painting on Rice Paper_60x100inches _ 1996